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RStudio Server

R: 4.3.1

rstudio-server: 2023.06.0+421

CUDA Version: 11.7

GPU Driver Version: 515.43.04

Release Notes

Updated R from 4.3.0 to 4.3.1 and R packages to newer versions.

This AMI provides thousands of R packages covering various domains such as data science, machine learning, Bayesian statistics, clinical trials, epidemiology, experimental design, psychometric methodology, analysis of pharmacokinetic data, medical image processing, teaching statistics, time series analysis, and natural language processing.

R packages (2295)

package version package version
abc 2.2.1 1.0
abcrf 1.9 abglasso 0.1.1
abind 1.4-5 abtest 1.0.1
accrualPlot 1.0.7 acebayes 1.10
acepack 1.4.1 acp 2.1
ACSWR 1.0 actuar 3.3-2
ada 2.0-5 adaptivetau 2.2-3
adaptMCMC 1.4 adaptr 1.3.1
adaptsmoFMRI 1.2 adaptTest 1.1
ade4 1.7-22 ade4TkGUI 0.3-1
adegenet 2.1.10 adegraphics 1.0-18
adehabitatLT 0.3.27 adehabitatMA 0.3.16
ADGofTest 0.3 adimpro 0.9.5
admisc 0.32 AdMit 2.1.9
AER 1.2-10 affy 1.78.0
affyio 1.70.0 africamonitor 0.2.3
agricolae 1.3-5 agricolaeplotr 0.2.2
agridat 1.21 airports 0.1.0
akima 0.6-3.4 alabama 2022.4-1
AlgDesign 1.2.1 almanac 1.0.0
alphavantager 0.1.3 ALTopt 0.1.2
Amelia 1.8.1 ammiBayes 1.0-1
AMR 2.0.0 AnaCoDa
anacor 1.1-4 animation 2.7
AnnotationDbi 1.62.1 anytime 0.3.9
aod 1.3.2 AovBay 0.1.0
ape 5.7-1 APFr 1.0.2
aplot 0.1.10 approximator 1.2-7
ARCensReg 2.1 ArchaeoChron 0.1
ArchaeoPhases 1.8 ArDec 2.1-1
ARDL 0.2.3 ardl.nardl 1.2.3
arfima 1.8-1 arm 1.13-1
aroma.apd 0.6.1 arrangements 1.1.9
ars 0.6 ascii 2.4
asd 2.2 ash 1.0-15
ashr 2.2-54 askpass 1.1
aspect 1.0-6 ASSA 2.0
assertthat 0.2.1 astsa 2.0
asymmetry 2.0.4 ata 1.1.1
aTSA 3.1.2 attention 0.3.0
AUC 0.3.2 audio 0.1-10
automap 1.1-9 autostsm 3.1.0
av 0.8.3 aweek 1.0.3
aws 2.5-1 awsMethods 1.1-1
BACCO 2.0-9 BACCT 1.0
backports 1.4.1 baggr 0.7.6
bain 0.2.8 BaM 1.0.3
bama 1.3.0 bamdit 3.4.0
bamlss 1.2-0 bang 1.0.1
BANOVA 1.2.1 BART 2.9.4
bartBMA 1.0 bartCause 1.0-6
bartMachine bartMachineJARs 1.2.1
BAS 1.6.4 basad 0.3.0
base64 2.0.1 base64enc 0.1-3
base64url 1.4 basicMCMCplots 0.2.7
BaSkePro 0.1.0 BASS 1.2.2
BatchExperiments 1.4.3 BatchJobs 1.9
baycn 1.2.0 bayefdr 0.2.1
bayes4psy 1.2.11 bayesAB 1.1.3
bayesammi 0.1.0 bayesanova 1.5
BayesARIMAX 0.1.1 BayesBinMix 1.4.1
bayesbio 1.0.0 bayesboot 0.2.2
BayesBP 1.1 bayesbr
BayesCACE 1.2.3 BayesCombo 1.0
BayesComm 0.1-2 bayescopulareg 0.1.3
bayescount 0.9.99-8 BayesCR 2.1
bayesCT 0.99.3 BayesCTDesign 0.6.1
BayesDA 2012.04-1 bayesDccGarch 3.0.4
bayesdfa 1.2.0 bayesdistreg 0.1.0
bayesDP 1.3.6 BayesFactor 0.9.12-4.4
BayesFM 0.1.5 bayesforecast 1.0.1
bayesGAM 0.0.2 bayesGARCH 2.1.10
BayesGOF 5.2 BayesGPfit 1.1.0
BayesGWQS 0.1.1 bayesian 0.0.9
bayesianETAS 1.0.3 Bayesiangammareg 0.1.0
BayesianGLasso 0.2.0 BayesianLaterality 0.1.1
BayesianNetwork 0.1.5 BayesianTools 0.1.8
bayesImageS 0.6-1 BayesLCA 1.9
bayesLife 5.1-1 bayeslincom 1.3.0
BayesLN 0.2.8 BayesLogit 2.1
bayesloglin 1.0.1 bayeslongitudinal 0.1.0
bayesm 3.1-5 BayesMallows 1.3.0
BayesMassBal 1.1.0 bayesmeta 3.2
bayesmix 0.7-6 bayesnec
bayesplot 1.10.0 bayesQR 2.3
bayestestR 0.13.1 bayesTFR 7.3-2
BayesTools 0.2.14 BayesTree 0.3-1.4
BayesVarSel 2.2.5 BayesX 0.3-2
BAYSTAR 0.2-10 BB 2019.10-1
BBmisc 1.13 BCBCSF 1.0-1
BCE 2.2.0 Bchron 4.7.6
bcp 4.0.3 bcrm 0.5.4
BDgraph 2.72 bdsmatrix 1.3-6
BE 0.2.4 beadarray 2.50.0
BeadDataPackR 1.52.0 beepr 1.3
beeswarm 0.4.0 bentcableAR 0.3.1
Bergm 5.0.5 BEST 0.5.4
BetaBit 2.1 betafunctions 1.8.1
betareg 3.1-4 BETS 0.4.9
bets.covid19 1.0.0 beyondWhittle 1.2.0
bezier 1.1.2 bfast 1.6.1
BGLR 1.1.0 BGVAR 2.5.2
BH 1.81.0-1 BHH2 2016.05.31
BiasedUrn 2.0.10 biganalytics 1.1.21
bigD 0.2.0 biglm 0.9-2.1
bigmemory 4.6.1 bigmemory.sri 0.1.6
bigsplines 1.1-1 bigtime 0.2.1
BigVAR 1.1.2 bindr 0.1.1
bindrcpp 0.2.2 binom 1.1-1.1
binomSamSize 0.1-5 binr 1.1.1
binseqtest 1.0.3 Biobase 2.60.0
BiocGenerics 0.46.0 BiocManager 1.30.21
BiocParallel 1.34.1 BiocVersion 3.17.1
bioinactivation 1.2.3 biomformat 1.28.0
bioOED 0.2.1 Biostrings 2.68.0
birtr 1.0.0 bit 4.0.5
bit64 4.0.5 bitops 1.0-7
biwavelet 0.20.21 bkmr 0.2.2
blavaan 0.4-8 blob 1.2.4
blocklength 0.1.5 blockrand 1.5
blocksdesign 4.9 blockTools 0.6.4
BLR 1.6 BMA 3.18.17
bmixture 1.7 BMS 0.3.5
BMTAR 0.1.1 bnlearn 4.8.3
BNPTSclust 2.0 BNSP 2.2.3
boa 1.1.8-2 boilerpipeR 1.3.2
BOIN 2.7.2 bold 1.3.0
Bolstad 0.2-41 Bolstad2 1.0-29
bookdown 0.34 Boom 0.9.11
BoomSpikeSlab 1.2.5 bootnet 1.5.3
BootPR 0.70 bootstrap 2019.6
bootUR 1.0.2 bpca 1.3-4
bqtl 1.0-34 BradleyTerry2 1.1-2
brainR 1.6.0 breakfast 2.3
brew 1.0-8 brglm 0.7.2
brglm2 0.9 bridgesampling 1.1-2
brio 1.1.3 brms 2.19.0
Brobdingnag 1.2-9 broom 1.0.5
bsamGP 1.2.4 bslib 0.5.0
BsMD 2020.4.30 bspec 1.6
bspmma 0.1-2 bssm 2.0.1
BSSprep 0.1 bsts 0.9.9
bsvars 1.0.0 BTLLasso 0.1-11
BTM 0.3.7 bundesbank 0.1-9
BVAR 1.0.4 bvartools 0.2.2
ca 0.71.1 cabootcrs 2.1.0
cachem 1.0.8 cacIRT 1.4
CADFtest 0.3-3 caffsim 0.2.2
Cairo 1.6-0 calculus 1.0.1
calibrator 1.2-8 callr 3.7.3
candisc 0.8-6 car 3.1-2
CARBayes 5.3 CARBayesdata 3.0
CARBayesST 3.3.1 carData 3.0-5
caret 6.0-94 carfima 2.0.2
caTools 1.18.2 catR 3.17
causact 0.4.2 CausalImpact 1.3.0
CAvariants 5.8 CDM 8.2-6
cds 1.0.3 CellNOptR 1.46.0
cellranger 1.1.0 chandwich 1.1.5
changepoint 2.2.4 changepoint.geo 1.0.1 1.0.5 checkmate 2.2.0
cherryblossom 0.1.0 chk 0.9.0
choiceDes 0.9-3 CholWishart 1.1.2
chron 2.3-61 cifti 0.4.5
cinterpolate 1.0.0 CircSpaceTime 0.9.0
CircStats 0.2-6 circular 0.4-95
ciTools 0.6.1 classInt 0.4-9
cli 3.6.1 clime 0.5.0
clinDR 2.3.5 clinfun 1.1.2
clinicalsignificance 1.2.0 clinPK 0.11.1
clinsig 1.2 clipr 0.8.0
clisymbols 1.2.0 clock 0.7.0
clue 0.3-64 clustDRM 0.1-0
clusterGeneration 1.3.7 clusterPower 0.7.0
ClustVarLV 2.1.1 clv 0.3-2.3
cmaes 1.0-12 CMLS 1.0-1
cmprsk 2.2-11 cmrutils 1.3.1
cNORM 3.0.3 CNORode 1.42.0
coalescentMCMC 0.4-4 coalitions 0.6.24
coarseDataTools 0.6-6 coconots 1.1.1
cocor 1.1-4 cocorresp 0.4-3
cocron 1.0-1 coda 0.19-4
coin 1.4-2 cointReg 0.2.0
collapse 1.9.6 collapsibleTree 0.1.7
colorRamps 2.3.1 colorspace 2.1-0
colourpicker 1.2.0 combinat 0.0-8
CombinS 1.1-1 CommonJavaJars 1.0-6
commonmark 1.9.0 compare 0.2-6
CompQuadForm 1.4.3 conditionz 0.1.0 2.0.0 config 0.3.1
conflicted 1.2.0 conquestr 1.0.7
contactdata 1.0.0 contfrac 1.1-12
cops 1.3-1 copula 1.1-2
cordillera 1.0-0 coro 1.0.3
corona 0.3.0 coronavirus 0.4.1
corpcor 1.6.10 corpora 0.5-1
corporaexplorer 0.8.6 corrgram 1.14
corrplot 0.92 cosa 2.1.0
costat 2.4 countrycode 1.5.0
COVID19 3.0.3
covid19br 0.1.5 covid19dbcand 0.1.1
covid19france 0.1.0 covid19italy 0.3.1
covid19sf 0.1.2 covid19swiss 0.1.0
covid19us 0.1.9 CovidMutations 0.1.3
cowplot 1.1.1 CPBayes 1.1.0
cpk 1.3-1 cpp11 0.4.3
crayon 1.5.2 credentials 1.3.2
crfsuite 0.4.1 CRM 1.2.4
crmPack 1.0.3 crossdes 1.1-2
Crossover 0.1-21 crosstalk 1.2.0
crs 0.15-37 crul 1.4.0
cSEM 0.5.0 csv 0.6.2
ctbi 2.0.5 ctrdata 1.13.2
CTT 2.3.3 CTTShiny 0.1
ctv 0.9-5 cubature 2.1.0
Cubist curl 5.0.1
cvar 0.5 cvAUC 1.1.4
CVST 0.2-3 CVXR 1.0-11
d3Network DAAG 1.25.4
dae 3.2.15 daewr 1.2-10
dagitty 0.3-1 DAKS 2.1-3
DALEX 2.4.3 data.table 1.14.8
data.tree 1.0.0 DataExplorer 0.8.2
datapasta 3.1.0 dataseries 0.2.0
datawizard 0.8.0 date 1.2-42
datetimeutils 0.6-1 dbarts 0.9-23
DBI 1.1.3 dbparser 2.0.1
dbplyr 2.3.2 dbscan 1.1-11
DChaos 0.1-7 dclone 2.3-0
dcov 0.1.1 dCovTS 1.3
dcurver 0.9.2 dde 1.0.4
deBInfer 0.4.4 debugme 1.1.0
deldir 1.0-9 deltaPlotR 1.6
dendextend 1.17.1 densEstBayes 1.0-2.2
DEoptim 2.2-8 DEoptimR 1.0-14
depmix 0.9.16 depmixS4 1.5-0
DepthProc 2.1.5 Deriv 4.1.3
desc 1.4.2 DescTools 0.99.49
designmatch 0.4.1 desirability 2.1
deSolve 1.35 desplot 1.10
devtools 2.4.5 dexter 1.2.2
dextergui 0.2.6 dexterMST 0.9.3
dfcomb 3.1-1 dfcrm 0.2-2.1
dfidx 0.0-5 DFIT 1.1
dfms 0.2.1 dfmta 1.7-3
dfoptim 2020.10-1 dfped 1.1
dfpk 3.5.1 DHARMa 0.4.6
diagis 0.2.2 diagram 1.6.5
DiagrammeR 1.0.10 dials 1.2.0
DiceDesign 1.9 DiceEval 1.5.1
DiceKriging 1.6.0 DiceView 2.1-0
dichromat 2.0-0.1 DICOMread
DIFboost 0.3 diffobj 0.3.5
diffusion 0.2.7 DIFlasso 1.0-4
difNLR 1.4.2-1 DIFplus 1.1
difR 5.1 DIFtree 3.1.6
digest 0.6.31 DIMORA 0.3.5
dimRed 0.2.6 dina 2.0.0
dipsaus 0.2.7 diptest 0.76-0
Dire 2.1.1 DIRECT 1.0.1
directlabels 2021.1.13 dirichletprocess 0.4.1
disaggR 1.0.5 discretization 1.0-1.1
DistatisR 1.1.1 distcrete 1.0.3 1.5.1 distr 2.9.2
distrEx 2.9.0 distributional 0.3.2
DistributionUtils 0.6-0 distrom 1.0.1
distrTeach 2.9.0 divest 0.10.3
dLagM 1.1.8 dlm 1.1-6
dlnm 2.4.7 dmri.tracking 0.1.0
doBy 4.6.16 doc2vec 0.2.0
docopulae 0.4.0 DoE.base 1.2-2
DoE.MIParray 1.0 DoE.wrapper 0.11
doMC 1.3.8 doParallel 1.0.17
doRNG 1.8.6 DoseFinding 1.0-4
doSNOW 1.0.20 dotCall64 1.0-2
downlit 0.4.2 downloader 0.4
dparser 1.3.1-10 dplyr 1.1.2
dqrng 0.3.0 dr4pl 2.0.0
DRR 0.0.4 dsa 1.0.12
DSAIDE 0.9.3 dse 2020.2-1
DSL 0.1-7 DT 0.28
DTAT 0.3-6 dti 1.5.1
dtplyr 1.3.1 DTSg 1.1.1
dtt 0.1-2 dtts 0.1.0
dtw 1.23-1 dtwclust 5.5.12
dygraphs dyn 0.2-9.6
dynamicTreeCut 1.63-1 dynaTree 1.2-15
dynlm 0.3-6 e1071 1.7-13
earlyR 0.0.5 earth 5.3.2
easypower 1.0.1 eba 1.10-0
EbayesThresh 1.4-12 ebdbNet 1.2.7
EBImage 4.42.0 EBMAforecast 1.0.3
ecb 0.4.2 Ecdat 0.4-2
Ecfun 0.3-2 ecm 6.3.0
ecodist 2.0.9 ECOSolveR 0.5.5
ecp 3.1.4 edfReader 1.2.1
edgeR 3.42.2 edina 0.1.1
edmdata 1.2.0 edstan 1.0.6
eegkit 1.0-4 eegkitdata 1.1
EFAutilities 2.1.3 effects 4.2-2
EGAnet 1.2.3 egg 0.4.5
egor 1.23.3 eha 2.10.3
eigenmodel 1.11 elasticnet 1.3
ellipse 0.4.5 ellipsis 0.3.2
elliptic 1.4-0 EMD 1.5.9
emg 1.0.9 emmeans 1.8.6
emulator 1.2-21 encode 0.3.6
endtoend 2.29 EngrExpt 0.1-8
enrichwith 0.3.1 ensembleBMA 5.1.8
EntropyMCMC 1.0.4 EnvStats 2.7.0
Epi 2.47.1 epibasix 1.5
epicontacts 1.1.3 EpiContactTrace 0.17.0
EpiCurve 2.4-2 epiDisplay
EpiEstim 2.2-4 epiflows 0.2.1
EpiILM 1.5.2 EpiILMCT 1.1.7
epimdr 0.6-5 EpiModel 2.3.2
epinet 2.1.8 epiR 2.0.61
EpiReport 1.0.2 episensr 1.2.0
epitools 0.5-10.1 epitrix 0.4.0
equate 2.0.8 equateIRT 2.3.0
equateMultiple 0.1.1 equivalence 0.7.2
era 0.4.1 ergm 4.5.0
ergm.ego 1.1.0 ergm.multi 0.2.0
eRm 1.0-2 errum 0.0.3
esaBcv esemifar 1.0.1
EstCRM 1.6 estimability 1.4.1
EstimateGroupNetwork 0.3.1 ETLUtils 1.5
etm 1.1.1 etrunct 0.1
evaluate 0.21 evd 2.3-6.1
evgam 1.0.0 ewoc 0.3.0
Exact 3.2 exams 2.4-0
exdex 1.2.1 experiment 1.2.1
expint 0.1-8 expm 0.999-7
ExPosition 2.8.23 expsmooth 2.3
extraDistr 1.9.1 extrafont 0.19
extrafontdb 1.0 ez 4.4-0
fable 0.3.3 fable.prophet 0.1.0
fabletools 0.3.3 FactoMineR 2.8
factorstochvol 1.0.1 fanplot 4.0.0
fansi 1.0.4 faoutlier 0.7.6
faraway 1.0.8 farver 2.1.1
fastDummies 1.6.3 fastGHQuad 1.0.1
fastICA 1.2-3 fastmap 1.1.1
fastmatch 1.1-3 FAVAR 0.1.3
fBasics 4022.94 fda 6.1.4
fdaACF 1.0.0 fdapace 0.5.9
fdrtool 1.2.17 fds 1.8
fdth 1.2-6 feasts 0.3.1
fechner 1.0-3 FeedbackTS 1.5
ff 4.0.9 fftwtools 0.9-11
fGarch 4022.89 fields 14.1
filearray 0.1.5 filehash 2.4-5
filelock 1.0.2 finnts 0.2.4
FinTS 0.4-6 fitdistrplus 1.1-11
FKF 0.2.4 FKF.SP 0.3.1
flashClust 1.01-2 flexclust 1.4-1
flexdashboard 0.6.1 flexmix 2.3-19
flextable 0.9.2 float 0.3-1
fma 2.5 FMC 1.0.1
FME fmri 1.9.11
fnets 0.1.3 FNN
fNonlinear 4021.81 fontawesome 0.5.1
fontBitstreamVera 0.1.1 fontLiberation 0.1.0
fontquiver 0.2.1 forcats 1.0.0
foreach 1.5.2 ForeCA 0.2.7
forecast 8.21 ForecastComb 1.3.1
forecastHybrid 5.0.19 forecastLSW 1.0
forecastML 0.9.0 FoReco 0.2.6
forecTheta 2.6.2 forestplot 3.1.1
formatR 1.14 formattable 0.2.1
Formula 1.2-5 1.7.1
fourPNO 1.1.0 fpc 2.2-10
fpcb 0.1.0 fpp2 2.5
fpp3 0.5 fracdiff 1.5-2
fredr 2.1.0 freesurferformats 0.1.17
freqdom 2.0.3 freqdom.fda 1.0.1
fresh 0.2.0 FrF2 2.3-1
FrF2.catlg128 1.2-2 fs 1.6.2
fslr 2.25.2 fsMTS 0.1.7
fst 0.9.8 fstcore 0.9.14
ftsa 6.2 functional 0.6
funtimes 9.1 furrr 0.3.1
futile.logger 1.4.3 futile.options 1.0.1
future 1.32.0 future.apply 1.11.0
GA 3.2.3 GAD 1.1.1
gam 1.22-2 gamlr 1.13-8
gamlss 5.4-12 6.0-2
gamlss.dist 6.0-5 gap 1.5-1
gap.datasets 0.0.5 gargle 1.5.1
garma 0.9.11 GAS 0.3.4
gasmodel 0.3.0 gaussquad 1.0-3
gbm gbutils 0.5
gclus 1.3.2 gdata 2.19.0
GDINA 2.9.3 gdpc 1.1.3
gdtools 0.3.3 geepack 1.3.9
genalg 0.2.1 gender 0.6.0
GeneralizedHyperbolic 0.8-4 generics 0.1.3
genetics GenomeInfoDb 1.36.0
GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.10 GenomicRanges 1.52.0
GenSA 1.1.8 geojsonsf 2.0.3
geometries 0.2.2 geometry 0.4.7
GEOquery 2.68.0 geoR 1.9-2
geosphere 1.5-18 geospt 1.0-2
gert 1.9.2 gets 0.37
gfonts 0.2.0 GGally 2.1.2
ggalt 0.4.0 gganimate 1.0.8
ggdag 0.2.10 ggdemetra 0.2.5
ggdendro 0.1.23 ggdist 3.3.0
ggExtra 0.10.0 ggforce 0.4.1
ggformula 0.10.4 ggfun 0.1.0
gghalves 0.1.4 ggmap 3.0.2
ggmcmc ggplot2 3.4.2
ggplotify 0.1.0 ggpubr 0.6.0
ggraph 2.1.0 ggrepel 0.9.3
ggridges 0.5.4 ggsci 3.0.0
ggseas 0.5.4 ggsignif 0.6.4
ggstance 0.3.6 ggtext 0.1.2
ggtree 3.8.0 ggvis 0.4.8
gh 1.4.0 Gifi 0.4-0
gifti 0.8.0 GIGrvg 0.8
gimme 0.7-14 git2r 0.32.0
gitcreds 0.1.2 glarma 1.6-0
GlarmaVarSel 1.0 glasso 1.11
glassoFast 1.0 gld 2.6.6
GLMMRR 0.5.0 glmnet 4.1-7
globals 0.16.2 glpkAPI 1.3.4
glue 1.6.2 GMDH 1.6
gmm 1.8 gmodels
gmp 0.7-1 gmvarkit 2.0.8
GNAR 1.1.2 gnm 1.1-2
GO.db 3.17.0 goftest 1.2-3
googledrive 2.1.1 googlesheets4 1.1.1
googleVis 0.7.1 gower 1.0.1
GPArotation 2023.3-1 GPCMlasso 0.1-6
GPfit 1.0-8 gplots 3.1.3
gradethis gRain 1.3.13
graph 1.78.0 graphicalVAR 0.3.1
graphlayouts 1.0.0 grates 1.1.0
gratis 1.0.3 gravitas 0.1.3
gRbase 1.8.9 greta 0.4.3
greybox 1.0.8 gridBase 0.4-7
gridExtra 2.3 gridGraphics 0.5-1
gridSVG 1.7-5 gridtext 0.1.5
grImport 0.9-7 grImport2 0.2-0
grnn 0.1.0 GroupSeq 1.4.2
grplasso 0.4-7 gsarima 0.1-5
gsDesign 3.4.0 gSEM
gsignal 0.3-5 gsl 2.1-8
gss 2.2-5 gstat 2.1-1
gsubfn 0.7 gt 0.9.0
gtable 0.3.3 gtheory 0.1.2
gtools 3.9.4 gtop 0.2.0
HaploSim hardhat 1.3.0
hash haven 2.5.2
hbsae 1.2 hdf5r 1.3.8
HDInterval 0.2.4 HDMT 1.0.5
hdrcde 3.4 HDTSA 1.0.2
heatmaply 1.4.2 heplots 1.4-2
here 1.0.1 hett 0.3-3
hexbin 1.28.3 hflights 0.1
HH 3.1-49 hht 2.1.6
highcharter 0.9.4 highlight 0.5.1
highr 0.10 HIMA 2.2.0
HKRbook 0.1.3 Hmisc 5.1-0
HMMpa 1.0.1 hms 1.1.3
homals 1.0-10 hommel 1.6
hpfilter 1.0.2 HSAUR3 1.0-14
htmlTable 2.4.1 htmltools 0.5.5
htmlwidgets 1.6.2 hts 6.0.2
httpcode 0.3.0 httpuv 1.6.11
httr 1.4.6 httr2 0.2.3
hunspell 3.0.2 hutils 1.8.1
hwwntest 1.3.1 HydroMe 2.0-1
HyperbolicDist 0.6-4 hypergeo 1.2-13
i2extras 0.2.1 iarm 0.4.3
ibd 1.5 iBreakDown 2.0.1
ica 1.0-3 ICAOD 1.0.1
ICC 2.4.0 iccbeta 1.2.0
Icens 1.72.0 ICS 1.3-2
ICSNP 1.1-1 ICtest 0.3-5
idefix 1.0.3 IDPmisc 1.1.20
ids 1.0.1 ifaTools 0.23
igraph 1.5.0 igraphdata 1.0.1
illuminaio 0.42.0 imbibe 0.1.1
immer 1.4-15 impute 1.74.1
imputeTestbench 3.0.3 imputeTS 3.3
IncDTW incidence 1.7.3
incidence2 2.2.1 ineq 0.2-13
infer 1.0.4 influence.SEM 2.3
influenceR 0.1.5 influxdbr 0.14.2
ingredients 2.3.0 ini 0.3.1
inline 0.3.19 insight 0.19.2
InspectChangepoint 1.2 interp 1.1-4
intervals 0.15.3 inum 1.0-5
invgamma 1.1 ipred 0.9-14
IRanges 2.34.0 irlba
irr 0.84.1 irtDemo 0.1.4
irtoys 0.2.2 irtrees 1.0.0
IRTShiny 1.2 IsingFit 0.3.1
IsingSampler 0.2.1 Iso 0.0-18.1
isoband 0.2.7 ISOcodes 2022.09.29
IsoGene 1.0-24 ISOweek 0.6-2
ISwR 2.0-8 iterators 1.0.14
iterLap 1.1-3 itertools 0.1-3
itsmr 1.10 JADE 2.0-3
jalcal 0.1.0 janeaustenr 1.0.0
janitor 2.2.0 JavaGD 0.6-5
jiebaR 0.11 jiebaRD 0.1
jjb 0.1.1 JMdesign 1.3
jomo 2.7-6 jpeg 0.1-10
jqr 1.2.3 jquerylib 0.1.4
jrt 1.1.2 jsonify 1.2.2
jsonlite 1.8.5 juicyjuice 0.1.0
JuliaConnectoR 1.1.1 kableExtra 1.3.4
kalmanfilter 2.0.1 kappaSize 1.2
KEGGREST 1.40.0 Kendall 2.2.1
kequate 1.6.4 keras 2.11.1
kernelFactory 0.3.0 kernlab 0.9-32
KFAS 1.5.0 klaR 1.7-2 0.5-6 knitr 1.43
koRpus 0.13-8 ks 1.14.0
kst 0.5-4 kutils 1.70
kza labdsv 2.1-0
label.switching 1.8 labeling 0.4.2
labelled 2.11.0 LaF 0.8.4
lagged 0.3.2 Lahman 11.0-0
LAM 0.6-19 lambda.r 1.2.4
languageR 1.5.0 LaplacesDemon 16.1.6
lars 1.3 lassoshooting 0.1.5-1.1
latdiag 0.3 later 1.3.1
latex2exp 0.9.6 latticeExtra 0.6-30
lava lavaan 0.6-15
lavaan.survey LAWBL 1.5.0
lazyeval 0.2.2 lbfgsb3c 2020-3.2
LCAvarsel 1.1 lcda 0.3.1
lda 1.4.2 ldbounds 2.0.1
leafem 0.2.0 leaflet 2.1.2
leaflet.providers 1.9.0 leafpop 0.1.0
leaps 3.1 LearnBayes 2.15.1
learnr 0.11.4 legion 0.1.2
lgr 0.4.4 lgtdl 1.1.5
lhs 1.1.6 libcoin 1.0-9
lifecycle 1.0.3 LIM 1.4.7
limma 3.56.1 limSolve 1.5.6
linelist 0.0.1 linpk 1.1.2
linprog 0.9-4 lisrelToR 0.1.5
listenv 0.9.0 lme4 1.1-33
lmerTest 3.1-3 lmm 1.3
lmom 2.9 Lmoments 1.3-1
lmtest 0.9-40 LNIRT 0.5.1
locfit 1.5-9.8 locits 1.7.6
locpol 0.8.0 logitnorm 0.8.38
logspline 2.1.19 lokern 1.1-10
lomb 2.1.0 longitudinalData 2.4.5
longmemo 1.1-2 LongMemoryTS 0.1.0
longpower 1.0.24 loo 2.6.0
lordif 0.3-3 lotri 0.4.3
lpacf 1.0.1 lpSolve 5.6.18
lpSolveAPI lsa 0.73.3
lsl 0.5.6 lslx 0.6.11
LSTS 2.1 LSWPlib 0.1.0
ltm 1.2-0 ltsa 1.4.6
lubridate 1.9.2 luz 0.4.0
lvnet 0.3.5 lvplot 0.2.1
lwgeom 0.2-13 m5 0.1.1
maat 1.1.0 magic 1.6-1
magick 2.7.4 magrittr 2.0.3
MAMS 2.0.1 manipulateWidget 0.11.1
MAPA 2.0.5 mapdata 2.3.1
mapproj 1.2.11 maps 3.4.1
maptools 1.1-7 maptree 1.4-8
mapview 2.11.0 mAr 1.2-0
mar1s 2.1.1 markdown 1.7
MARSS 3.11.8 MassSpecWavelet 1.66.0
Matching 4.10-8 MatchIt 4.5.4
mathjaxr 1.6-0 matlabr 1.5.2
matrixcalc 1.0-6 MatrixExtra 0.1.13
MatrixModels 0.5-1 matrixStats 1.0.0
maxLik 1.5-2 MaxPro 4.1-2
MBA 0.1-0 MBHdesign 2.2.2
mboost 2.9-7 mbsts 3.0
mc2d 0.1-22 MCAvariants 2.6
mclcar 0.2-0 mclust 6.0.0
mcmc 0.9-7 mcmcensemble 3.0.0
MCMCglmm 2.34 MCMCpack 1.6-3
mcmcse 1.5-0 MCMCvis 0.16.0
Mcomp 2.8 mcompanion 0.5.7
MCPMod 1.0-10.1 meboot 1.4-9.3
Mediana 1.0.8 mediation 4.5.0
MEIGOR 1.33.0 mem 2.18
memapp 2.16 memisc
memoise 2.0.1 MEMSS 0.9-3
meta 6.5-0 metadat 1.2-0
metafor 4.2-0 metaplot 0.8.3
metaSEM 1.3.0 metasens 1.5-2
Metrics 0.1.4 metRology 0.9-28-1
mFilter 0.1-5 mgm 1.2-13
mi 1.1 mice 3.16.0
microbenchmark 1.4.10 microsamplingDesign 1.0.8
MIIVsem 0.5.8 mime 0.12
MinEDfind 0.1.3 minimalRSD 1.0.0
minimaxdesign 0.1.5 miniUI
minpack.lm 1.2-3 minqa 1.2.5
mirt 1.39 mirtCAT 1.12.2
misc3d 0.9-1 miscTools 0.6-28
missForest 1.5 missMDA 1.18
mitml 0.4-5 mitools 2.4
mix 1.0-11 mixAR 0.22.7
MixedPsy 1.1.0 mixexp 1.2.7
mixOmics 6.24.0 mixsqp 0.3-48
mixtools 2.0.0 mkssd 1.2
mlapi 0.1.1 mlbench 2.1-3.1
MLCIRTwithin 2.1.1 MLDS 0.4.901
mlmRev 1.0-8 mlogit 1.1-1
mlogitBMA 0.1-7 mlr3 0.16.1
mlr3measures 0.5.0 mlr3misc 0.12.0
mlVAR 0.5.1 mma 10.6-1
mmand 1.6.3 mmrm 0.2.2
mnormt 2.1.1 MNP 3.1-4
modeldata 1.1.0 modelenv 0.1.1
ModelMetrics modelr 0.1.11
modeltime 1.2.6 modeltime.ensemble 1.0.3
modeltime.resample 0.2.3 modeltools 0.2-23
moderndive 0.5.5 mokken 3.0.6
mombf 3.4.0 moments 0.14.1
mondate 0.10.02 monmlp 1.1.5
Morpho 2.11 mosaic
mosaicCore mosaicData 0.20.3
movMF 0.2-7 MPDiR 0.1-20
MplusAutomation 1.1.0 mpmi 0.43.2
mpt 0.8-0 MPTinR 1.14.1
MPV 1.62 mratios 1.4.2
mrf 0.1.6 mrgsolve 1.0.9
mritc 0.5-3 mscstexta4r 0.1.2
mscsweblm4r 0.1.2 msm 1.7
msos 1.2.0 mssm 0.1.6
mstate 0.3.2 MSwM 1.5
MTS 1.2.1 mtsdi 0.3.5
mudfold 1.1.21 multcomp 1.4-24
multcompView 0.1-9 multDM 1.1.4
multicool 0.1-12 MultiGlarmaVarSel 1.0
MultiLCIRT 2.11 MultipleBubbles 0.2.0
multiplex 2.9.9 multipol 1.0-7
multitaper 1.0-15 multiway 1.0-6
multtest 2.56.0 MuMIn 1.47.5
munfold 0.3.5 munsell 0.5.0
mvLSW 1.2.5 mvMORPH 1.1.7
mvnfast 0.2.8 mvQuad 1.0-6
mvtnorm 1.2-2 mxkssd 1.2
n1qn1 6.0.1-11 NADA 1.6-1.1
nanotime 0.3.7 nardl 0.1.6
natserv 1.0.0 nbTransmission 1.1.2
ncappc 0.3.0 ncar 0.4.5
ncvreg 3.14.1 nets 0.9.1
network 1.18.1 NetworkChange 0.8
NetworkComparisonTest 2.2.1 networkD3 0.4
networkDynamic 0.11.3 networkLite 1.0.5
NetworkToolbox 1.4.2 networktools 1.5.0
networktree 1.0.1 neuralnet 1.44.2
neurobase 1.32.3 neuroim 0.0.6
neuRosim 0.2-13 nFactors
nhanesA 0.7.3 1.0.0
nimble 1.0.1 NISTnls 0.9-13
NlcOptim 0.6 nleqslv 3.3.4
NlinTS 1.4.5 nlmeVPC 2.6
nlmixr2 2.0.9 nlmixr2data 2.0.7
nlmixr2est 2.1.6 nlmixr2extra 2.0.8
nlmixr2plot 2.0.7 nlmixr2rpt 0.2.0
nloptr 2.0.3 NLP 0.2-1
nls2 0.3-3 nlsem 0.8
nlstools 2.0-0 nlts 1.0-2
nmw 0.1.5 nnfor 0.9.8
nnls 1.4 nodbi 0.9.5
NonCompart 0.6.0 nonlinearTseries 0.2.12
nonmemica 1.0.1 nonnest2 0.5-5
nortest 1.0-4 nosoi 1.1.0
np 0.60-17 nppbib 1.2-0
nsarfima nsprcomp 0.5.1-2
numbers 0.8-5 numDeriv 2016.8-1.1
o2geosocial 1.1.0 oai 0.4.0
OBsMD 6.1 occ 1.1
odbc 1.3.4 odin 1.2.4
odpc 2.0.5 odr 1.4.2
officer 0.6.2 ohoegdm 0.1.0
onbrand 1.0.2 onlineforecast 1.0.1
OPDOE 1.0-10 openEBGM 0.8.3
openintro 2.4.0 OpenMx 2.21.8
openNLP 0.2-7 openNLPdata 1.5.3-4
openssl 2.0.6 openxlsx
opera 1.2.0 1.6.3
optextras 2019-12.4 OptGS 1.1.1
OptimalDesign 1.0.1 OptimaRegion 1.2
optimParallel 1.0-2 optimx 2022-4.30
optiscale 1.2.2 ORCME 2.0.2
ordinal 2022.11-16 ore
ORIClust 1.0-2 oro.dicom 0.5.3
oro.nifti 0.11.4 0.2.7
orthopolynom 1.0-6.1 osDesign 1.8
osqp otsad 0.2.0
otsfeatures 1.0.0 outbreaker2 1.1.3
outbreaks 1.9.0 overlapping 2.1
padr 0.6.2 PairedData 1.1.1
pairwise 0.6.1-0 paleoTS 0.5.3
palmerpenguins 0.1.1 pan 1.6
pander 0.6.5 paradox 0.11.1
parallelly 1.36.0 paran 1.5.2
parsedate 1.3.1 parsnip 1.1.0
partitions 1.10-7 partsm 1.1-3
party 1.3-13 partykit 1.2-20
pastecs 1.3.21 patchwork 1.1.2
pbapply 1.7-0 PBIBD 1.3
pbivnorm 0.6.0 pbkrtest 0.5.2
pbmcapply 1.5.1 pbs 1.1
PBSddesolve 1.13.3 PBSmapping 2.73.2
pbv 0.4-22 PCA4TS 0.1
pcaMethods 1.92.0 pcaPP 2.0-3
pcdpca 0.4 pcFactorStan 1.5.3
pcIRT 0.2.4 PCMRS 0.1-4
pcts 0.15.5 pdc 1.0.3
pdfCluster 1.0-4 pdfetch 0.2.8
pdftools 3.3.3 pdist 1.2.1
pedigree 1.4.2 penalized 0.9-52
performance 0.10.4 PerformanceAnalytics 2.0.4
permute 0.9-7 PGM2 1.0-1
ph2bayes 0.0.2 ph2bye 0.1.4
phangorn 2.11.1 pheatmap 1.0.12
phonics 1.3.10 phyloseq 1.44.0
phytools 1.5-1 picasso 1.3.1
pid 0.50 piecewiseSEM 2.3.0
pillar 1.9.0 pingr 2.0.2
pins 1.2.0 0.5.1
pipeR pixmap 0.4-12
PK 1.3-5 PKconverter 1.5
pkdata 0.1.0 pkgbuild 1.4.1
pkgconfig 2.0.3 pkgdown 2.0.7
pkgfilecache 0.1.4 pkgload 1.3.2
PKNCA 0.10.2 pkr 0.1.3
pks 0.5-0 PlackettLuce 0.4.3
plgp 1.1-12 plink 1.5-1
plm 2.6-3 PLMIX 2.1.1
PLmixed 0.1.6 plogr 0.2.0
plot3D 1.4 plotly 4.10.2
plotMCMC 2.0.1 plotmo 3.6.2
plotrix 3.8-2 plotSEMM 2.4
pls 2.8-2 plyr 1.8.8
pmr pmxTools 1.3
png 0.1-8 poisbinom 1.0.1
poLCA polspline 1.1.22
polyclip 1.10-4 polycor 0.8-1
polyCub 0.8.1 polynom 1.4-1
PolynomF 2.0-5 polyreg 0.8.0
pomp 5.2 PopED 0.6.0
popEpi 0.4.10 posterior 1.4.1
powerbydesign 1.0.5 powerGWASinteraction 1.1.3
powerSurvEpi 0.1.3 PowerTOST 1.5-4
PowerUpR 1.1.0 PP 0.6.3-11
ppcor 1.1 prabclus 2.3-2
pracma 2.4.2 praise 1.0.0
PreciseSums 0.6 prefmod 0.8-35
preprocessCore 1.62.1 presize 0.3.7
prettyGraphs 2.1.6 prettyunits 1.1.1
prevalence 0.4.1 princurve 2.1.6
pROC 1.18.2 processx 3.8.1
prodlim 2023.03.31 ProfessR 2.4-1
profileModel 0.6.1 profileR 0.3-5
profoc 1.2.0 profvis 0.3.8
progress 1.2.2 progressr 0.13.0
proj4 1.0-12 promises
prophet 1.0 PROsetta 0.4.1
proto 1.0.0 proxy 0.4-27
PRROC 1.3.1 ps 1.7.5
pscl psd 2.1.1
PSF 0.5 pso 1.0.4
pspline 1.0-19 psy 1.2
psych 2.3.3 psychomix 1.1-8
psychonetrics 0.11 psychotools 0.7-3
psychotree 0.16-0 psychTools 2.3.6
psyphy 0.2-3 PTAk 2.0.0
PTSR 0.1.2 ptw 1.9-16
purrr 1.0.1 pwr 1.3-0
PwrGSD 2.3.6 pwrRasch 0.1-2
qap 0.1-2 Qardl 0.1.1
qcv 1.0 qdap 2.4.6
qdapDictionaries 1.0.7 qdapRegex 0.7.5
qdapTools 1.3.7 qgam 1.3.4
qgraph 1.9.5 qicharts2 0.7.2
qMRI 1.2 qpdf 1.3.2
qpNCA 1.1.6 qs 0.25.5
qtl 1.60 quadprog 1.5-8
Quandl 2.11.0 quanteda 3.3.1
quantmod 0.4.23 quantreg 5.95
quantspec 1.2-3 questionr 0.7.8
quickpsy qvalue 2.32.0
qvcalc 1.0.3 R.cache 0.16.0
R.devices 2.17.1 R.filesets 2.15.0
R.huge 0.9.0 R.matlab 3.7.0
R.methodsS3 1.8.2 R.oo 1.25.0
R.rsp 0.45.0 R.utils 2.12.2
R0 1.2-10 r2d3 0.2.6
R2HTML 2.3.3 R2jags 0.7-1
R2OpenBUGS 3.2-3.2.1 R2WinBUGS 2.1-21
R6 2.5.1 radarchart 0.3.1
ragg 1.2.5 rainbow 3.7
rAmCharts 2.1.15 ramcmc 0.1.2
ramps 0.6.18 randomForest 4.7-1.1
randomForestSRC 3.2.2 randomizeR 3.0.1
randomLCA 1.1-2 randtoolbox 2.0.4
ranger 0.15.1 rankdist 1.1.4
RANN 2.6.1 rapidjsonr 1.2.0
RApiSerialize 0.1.2 rappdirs 0.3.3
rARPACK 0.11-0 RaschSampler 0.8-8
raster 3.6-20 rasterImage 0.4.0
ratelimitr 0.4.1 raveio 0.1.0
ravetools 0.1.1 Rbeast 0.9.9
rbenchmark 1.0.0 RBGL 1.76.0
rbibutils 2.2.13 rbmi 1.2.3
Rcatch22 0.2.1 rcdd 1.5-2
Rcgmin 2022-4.30 rcmdcheck 1.4.0
Rcmdr 2.8-0 RcmdrMisc 2.7-2
RcmdrPlugin.DoE 0.12-4 RcmdrPlugin.temis 0.7.10
RColorBrewer 1.1-3 Rcpp 1.0.10
RcppAnnoy 0.0.20 RcppArmadillo
RcppCCTZ 0.2.12 RcppDate 0.0.3
RcppDE 0.1.7 RcppDist 0.1.1
RcppEigen RcppGSL 0.3.13
RcppParallel 5.1.7 RcppProgress 0.4.2
RcppRoll 0.3.0 RcppThread 2.1.3
RcppTN 0.2-2 RcppTOML 0.2.2
RcppZiggurat 0.1.6 Rcsdp
RCurl 1.98-1.12 rdbnomics 0.6.4
Rdpack 2.4 Rdsdp
re2 0.1.2 reactable 0.4.4
reactR 0.4.4 readabs 0.4.13
readODS 1.8.0 readr 2.1.4
readstata13 0.10.1 readxl 1.4.2
REBayes 2.51 recipes 1.0.6
registry 0.5-1 regress 1.3-21
regsem 1.9.5 regspec 2.6
regtools 1.7.0 relations 0.6-13
relimp 1.0-5 rematch 1.0.1
rematch2 2.1.2 remotes 2.4.2
rentrez 1.2.3 renv 0.17.3
replicateBE 1.1.3 reportr 1.3.0
reprex 2.0.2 REQS 0.8-13
resampledata 0.3.1 resde 1.1
reshape 0.8.9 reshape2 1.4.4
reticulate 1.30 revdbayes 1.5.1
rex 1.2.1 Rfast 2.0.7
Rfast2 0.1.4 rgen 0.0.1
RGENERATE 1.3.7 rgenoud 5.9-0.3
rgl 1.1.3 Rglpk 0.6-5
RgoogleMaps RGraphics 3.0-2
Rgraphviz 2.44.0 rhandsontable 0.3.8
rhdf5 2.44.0 rhdf5filters 1.12.1
Rhdf5lib 1.22.0 rhosa 0.2.0
RhpcBLASctl 0.23-42 riingo 0.3.1
ring 1.0.4 RInside 0.2.18
rintrojs 0.3.2 Rirt 0.0.2
riskCommunicator 1.0.1 ritis 1.0.0
rjags 4-14 rJava 1.0-6
RJDBC 0.2-10 RJDemetra 0.2.3
rje 1.12.1 rjson 0.2.21
RJSONIO 1.3-1.8 RKEA 0.0-6
RKEAjars 5.0-4 rlang 1.1.1
rle 0.9.2 rlecuyer 0.3-7
Rlgt 0.1-4 Rlibeemd 1.4.2
rlist rmarkdown 2.22
RMAWGEN 1.3.7 rmeta 3.0
Rmpfr 0.9-2 rms 6.7-0
rmutil 1.1.10 RMySQL 0.10.25
rncl 0.8.7 rngtools 1.5.2
rngWELL 0.10-9 RNifti 1.5.0
RNiftyReg 2.7.1 rnn 1.9.0
robfilter 4.1.3 RobKF 1.0.2
RoBMA 3.0.1 robustbase 0.99-0
rockchalk 1.8.157 ROCR 1.0-11
rodd 0.2-1 roll 1.1.6
Rook 1.2 ROOPSD 0.3.8
rootSolve roptim 0.1.6
rotl 3.1.0 roxygen2 7.2.3
rpact 3.3.4 rpanel 1.1-5.2
rpart.plot 3.1.1 rpf 1.0.11
RPMG 2.2-3 RPostgres 1.4.5
RPostgreSQL 0.7-5 RPPairwiseDesign 1.0
rprojroot 2.0.3 rrcov 1.7-3
rredlist 0.7.1 rrum 0.2.0
rsample 1.1.1 rsdmx 0.6-2
RSEIS 4.1-4 rsem 0.5.0
Rsfar 0.0.1 RSGHB 1.2.2
rsm 2.10.3 Rsolnp 1.16
rsparse 0.5.1 RSpectra 0.16-1
RSQLite 2.3.1 Rssa 1.0.5
rstan 2.21.8 rstanarm 2.21.4
rstantools 2.3.1 rstatix 0.7.2
rstiefel 1.0.1 rstudioapi 0.14
rsurface 1.1.0 RSurveillance 0.2.1
rTensor 1.4.8 rtf 0.4-14.1
RTFA 0.1.0 rticles 0.25
RTransferEntropy 0.2.21 rts 1.1-8
Rtsne 0.16 Rttf2pt1 1.3.12
rucrdtw 0.1.4 rugarch 1.4-9
ruimtehol 0.3.1 rules 1.0.2
RUnit 0.4.32 runjags 2.2.1-7
runner 0.4.3 runstats 1.1.0
Runuran 0.38 rust 1.4.0
Rvcg 0.22.1 rversions 2.1.2
rvest 1.0.3 Rvmmin 2018-4.17.1
Rwave 2.6-5 RWeka 0.4-46
RWekajars 3.9.3-2 rxode2 2.0.13
rxode2et 2.0.10 rxode2ll 2.0.11
rxode2parse 2.0.16 rxode2random 2.0.11
s2 1.1.4 S4Vectors 0.38.1
samadb 0.2.6 samplesize 0.2-4
sandwich 3.0-2 sarima 0.9.1
sass 0.4.6 satellite 1.0.4
sazedR 2.0.2 sbgcop 0.980
scales 1.2.1 scatterplot3d 0.3-44
scoringRules 1.1.1 scoringutils 1.1.0
ScottKnott 1.3-0 scs 3.2.4
sde 2.0.18 sealasso 0.1-3
seas 0.6-0 season 0.3.15
seasonal 1.9.0 seasonalview 0.3
seastests 0.15.4 seer 1.1.8
segmented 1.6-4 selectr 0.4-2
sem 3.1-15 semds 0.9-6
SemiPar 1.0-4.2 semPlot 1.1.6
SEMsens 1.5.5 semTools 0.5-6
semtree 0.9.18 sendmailR 1.4-0
SensoMineR 1.26 sentencepiece 0.2.3
separationplot 1.4 seqDesign 1.2
seqinr 4.2-30 seriation 1.4.2
servr 0.27 sessioninfo 1.2.2
setartree 0.1.0 setRNG 2022.4-1
sets 1.0-24 sf 1.0-13
sFFLHD 0.1.2 sfheaders 0.4.2
sfsmisc 1.1-15 sftime 0.2-0
sgd 1.1.1 sgeostat 1.0-27
shades 1.4.0 shape 1.4.6
shapefiles 0.7.2 shapes 1.2.7
shiny 1.7.4 shiny.semantic 0.4.3
shinyAce 0.4.2 shinybrms 1.8.0
shinyBS 0.61.1 shinycssloaders 1.0.0
shinydashboard 0.7.2 shinydashboardPlus 2.0.3
shinyFiles 0.9.3 ShinyItemAnalysis 1.5.0
shinyjs 2.1.0 shinystan 2.6.0
shinytest 1.5.3 shinythemes 1.2.0
shinyWidgets 0.7.6 showimage 1.0.0
sigmoid 1.4.0 signal 0.7-7
Sim.DiffProc 4.8 simcdm 0.1.1
SimComp 3.3 simex 1.8
simglm 0.8.9 SimInf 9.5.0
simrel 2.1.0 simsem 0.5-16
sirt 3.12-66 sitmo 2.0.2
SkewHyperbolic 0.4-0 skmeans 0.2-15
skpr 1.4.0 slam 0.1-50
SLBDD 0.0.4 sleekts 1.0.2
Sleuth2 2.0-5 Sleuth3 1.0-3
SLHD 2.1-1 slider 0.3.0
sm 2.2-5.7.1 smacof 2.1-5
smooth 3.2.1 smoother 1.1
smoots 1.1.3 smovie 1.1.4
SMPracticals 1.4-3 sn 2.1.1
sna 2.7-1 snakecase 0.11.0
snow 0.4-4 SnowballC 0.7.1
snowfall 1.84-6.2 SOAs 1.3 0.8.0 socialmixr 0.2.0
sodium 1.2.1 solrium 1.2.0
sourcetools 0.1.7-1 sp 1.6-1
sp23design 0.9-1 spacetime 1.3-0
spam 2.9-1 spant 2.12.0
sparseDFM 1.0 SparseFactorAnalysis 1.0
SparseM 1.81 sparsevar 0.1.0
SpatialEpi 1.2.8 SpatialExtremes 2.1-0
spatialreg 1.2-9 spatstat 3.0-6 3.0-1 spatstat.explore 3.2-1
spatstat.geom 3.2-1 spatstat.linnet 3.1-1
spatstat.model 3.2-4 spatstat.random 3.1-5
spatstat.sparse 3.0-1 spatstat.utils 3.0-3
spBayes 0.4-6 spd 2.0-1
spData 2.2.2 spdep 1.2-8
spec 0.1.7 spectral 2.0
speff2trial 1.0.5 spikeslab 1.1.6
spikeSlabGAM 1.1-19 spINAR 0.1.0
splancs 2.01-43 splines2 0.5.0
spTimer 3.3.2 sqldf 0.4-11
SQUAREM 2021.1 srvyr 1.2.0
ssanv 1.1 ssgraph 1.15
ssize.fdr 1.3 ssizeRNA 1.3.2
ssMousetrack 1.1.6 stabledist 0.7-1
stabs 0.6-4 StanHeaders 2.26.27
stars 0.6-1 STARTS 1.3-8
startupmsg 0.9.6 statespacer 0.5.0
statmod 1.5.0 statnet.common 4.9.0
StatRank 0.0.6 steadyICA 1.0
STFTS 0.1.0 stinepack 1.4
stlplus 0.5.1 stm 1.3.6
stochvol 3.2.1 stopwords 2.3
stR 0.5 stringdist 0.9.10
stringfish 0.15.8 stringi 1.7.12
stringr 1.5.0 strucchange 1.5-3
strucchangeRcpp 1.5-3-1.0.4 StructuralDecompose 0.1.1
styler 1.10.1 subplex 1.8
subscore 3.3 sufficientForecasting 0.1.0
sugrrants 0.2.8 SuperLearner 2.0-28
superml 0.5.6 SuppDists 1.1-9.7
support.CEs 0.5-0 survcomp 1.50.0
surveillance 1.21.1 survey 4.2-1
survivalROC survPresmooth 1.1-11
svars 1.3.11 svd 0.5.4
svglite 2.1.1 svs 3.0.0
svUnit 1.0.6 swephR 0.3.1
swirl 2.4.5 swirlify 0.5.3
sylly 0.1-6 sym.arma 1.0
symengine 0.2.2 symmoments 1.2.1
synthesis 1.2.3 sys 3.4.2
systemfit 1.1-30 systemfonts 1.0.4
tables 0.9.17 tabnet 0.4.0
TAM 4.1-4 targets 1.1.3
tau 0.0-24 taxize 0.9.100
tbrf 0.1.5 tcltk2 1.2-11
Tcomp 1.0.1 tdigest 0.4.1
TeachingDemos 2.12 tempdisagg 1.1
tensor 1.5 tensorA 0.36.2
tensorflow 2.11.0 TensorPreAve 1.1.0
tensorTS 1.0.1 TEQR 6.0-0
tergm 4.2.0 terra 1.7-37
tesseract 5.1.0 testcorr 0.2.0
TestDataImputation 2.3 TestDesign 1.5.1
testit 0.13 TestScorer 1.7.2
testthat 3.1.9 TexExamRandomizer 1.2.3
texreg 1.38.6 text2vec 0.6.3
textcat 1.0-8 textir 2.0-5
textplot 0.2.2 textrank 0.3.1
textreuse 0.1.5 textshaping 0.3.6
textTinyR 1.1.7 tfarima 0.3.2
tfautograph 0.3.2 tfplot 2021.6-1
tframe 2015.12-1.1 tfruns 1.5.1
tgp 2.4-21 1.1-2
theft thief 0.3
ThreeArmedTrials 1.0-4 threeBrain 1.0.0
ThreeGroups 0.21 threejs 0.3.3
ThreeWay 1.1.3 thurstonianIRT 0.12.1
tibble 3.2.1 tictoc 1.2
Tides 2.1 tidygraph 1.2.3
tidyLPA 1.1.0 tidymodels 1.1.0
tidyquant 1.0.7 tidyr 1.3.0
tidyselect 1.2.0 tidytext 0.4.1
tidytree 0.4.2 tidyverse 2.0.0
tiff 0.1-11 timechange 0.2.0
timeDate 4022.108 timeSeries 4030.106
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timsac 1.3.8 tinytex 0.45
tis 1.39 tkrplot 0.0-27
tm 0.7-11 tm.plugin.alceste 1.1
tm.plugin.dc 0.2-10 tm.plugin.europresse 1.4
tm.plugin.factiva 1.8 tm.plugin.lexisnexis 1.4.1
tm.plugin.mail 0.2-2 TMB 1.9.4
tmvnsim 1.0-2 tmvtnorm 1.5
tokenizers 0.3.0 tokenizers.bpe 0.1.1
toOrdinal 1.3-0.0 topicdoc 0.1.1
topicmodels 0.2-14 topicmodels.etm 0.1.0
torch 0.11.0 torchaudio
torchdatasets 0.3.0 torchvision 0.5.1
tpr 0.3-3 tractor.base
TransPhylo 1.4.5 trapezoid 2.0-2
tree 1.0-43 TreeBUGS 1.5.0
treeio 1.24.0 trend 1.1.5
trendeval 0.1.0 trending 0.1.0
TrialSize 1.4 triangle 1.0
triebeard 0.4.1 trimcluster 0.1-5
tripack 1.3-9.1 TripleR 1.5.4
TruncatedNormal 2.2.2 truncdist 1.0-2
truncnorm 1.0-9 truncreg 0.2-5
trust 0.1-8 TSA 1.3.1
TSANN 0.1.0 tsbox 0.4.1
tsBSS 1.0.0 TSclust 1.3.1
tscount 1.4.3 tsdb 1.1-0
tsdecomp 0.2 TSdeeplearning 0.1.0
tsdisagg2 0.1.0 TSdisaggregation 2.0.0
TSdist 3.7.1 tsDyn 11.0.4
TSEntropies 0.9 tseries 0.10-54
tseriesChaos 0.1-13.1 tseriesEntropy 0.6-0
tseriesTARMA 0.3-2 tsfeatures 1.1
tsfknn 0.5.1 tsibble 1.1.3
tsibbledata 0.4.1 tsibbletalk 0.1.0
tsintermittent 1.10 tsiR 0.4.3
TSLSTM 0.1.0 tsModel 0.6-1
tsoutliers 0.6-8 TSP 1.2-4
tsPI 1.0.3 TSrepr 1.1.0
tsrobprep 0.3.2 tssim 0.1.7
TSstudio 0.1.6 TSTutorial 1.2.6
tsutils 0.9.3 tswge 2.1.0
TTR 0.24.3 tune 1.1.1
tweenr 2.0.2 tzdb 0.4.0
ubiquity 2.0.0 ucminf 1.2.0
UComp 4.0.2 udpipe 0.8.11
ugatsdb 0.2.3 uGMAR 3.4.4
UnifiedDoseFinding 0.1.10 units 0.8-2
unrepx 1.0-2 urca 1.3-3
urlchecker 1.0.1 urltools 1.7.3
uroot 2.1-2 usdata 0.2.0
usethis 2.2.0 utf8 1.2.3
uuid 1.1-0 uwot 0.1.14
V8 4.3.0 VAR.etp 1.0
VARDetect 0.1.6 vars 1.5-9
VARshrink 0.3.1 VCA 1.4.5
vcd 1.4-11 vcdExtra 0.8-4
vctrs 0.6.3 vdg 1.2.2
VedicDateTime 0.1.4 vegan 2.6-4
VennDiagram 1.7.3 venneuler 1.1-3
VGAM 1.1-8 VGAMdata 1.1-8
vglmer 1.0.3 viridis 0.6.3
viridisLite 0.4.2 visNetwork 2.1.2
visualize 4.4.0 vpc 1.2.2
vroom 1.6.3 waiter 0.2.5
waldo 0.5.1 warp 0.2.0
WaveletComp 1.1 wavelets 0.3-0.2
waveslim 1.8.4 wavethresh 4.7.2
wavScalogram 1.1.2 wCorr 1.9.6
webdriver 1.0.6 webshot 0.5.4
weights 1.0.4 whisker 0.4.1
WikidataQueryServiceR 1.0.0 WikidataR 2.3.3
WikipediR 1.5.0 wikitaxa 0.4.0
withr 2.5.0 wk 0.7.3
wktmo 1.0.5 wnl 0.7.3
wooldridge 1.4-3 word2vec 0.3.4
wordcloud 2.6 wordnet 0.1-16
workflows 1.1.3 workflowsets 1.0.1
worrms 0.4.3 wpp2017 1.2-3
wpp2019 1.1-1 WrightMap 1.3
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x13binary 1.1.57-3 xfun 0.39
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XLConnect 1.0.7 xlsx 0.6.5
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xml2 1.3.4 xopen 1.0.0
xplain 0.2.2 xpose 0.4.16
xpose.nlmixr2 0.4.0 xpose4 4.7.2
xtable 1.8-4 xts 0.13.1
XVector 0.40.0 xxIRT 2.1.2
yaImpute 1.0-33 yaml 2.3.7
yardstick 1.2.0 yesno 0.1.2
yuima 1.15.22 yulab.utils 0.0.6
zeallot 0.1.0 zic 0.9.1
ZIM 1.1.0 ZINARp 0.1.0
zip 2.3.0 zipfR 0.6-70
zlibbioc 1.46.0 zoo 1.8-12
ZRA 0.2