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RStudio Server

R: 4.3.0

rstudio-server: 2023.03.0

CUDA Version: 11.7

GPU Driver Version: 515.43.04

Release Notes

Updated R to 4.3.0, rstudio-server to 2023.03.0, and R packages to newer versions.

R packages

package version package version
abc 2.2.1 1.0
abind 1.4-5 acepack 1.4.1
actuar 3.3-2 ada 2.0-5
ade4 1.7-22 ade4TkGUI 0.3-1
adegraphics 1.0-18 adehabitatLT 0.3.27
adehabitatMA 0.3.16 admisc 0.31
affy 1.78.0 affyio 1.70.0
agricolae 1.3-5 akima 0.6-3.4
AlgDesign 1.2.1 alphavantager 0.1.3
Amelia 1.8.1 AnnotationDbi 1.62.1
anytime 0.3.9 ape 5.7-1
aplot 0.1.10 arm 1.13-1
aroma.apd 0.6.1 ascii 2.4
ash 1.0-15 askpass 1.1
assertthat 0.2.1 AUC 0.3.2
av 0.8.3 backports 1.4.1
base64 2.0.1 base64enc 0.1-3
bayesplot 1.10.0 BB 2019.10-1
BDgraph 2.72 bdsmatrix 1.3-6
beadarray 2.50.0 BeadDataPackR 1.52.0
BGLR 1.1.0 BH 1.81.0-1
biganalytics 1.1.21 bigD 0.2.0
biglm 0.9-2.1 bigmemory 4.6.1
bigmemory.sri 0.1.6 bindr 0.1.1
bindrcpp 0.2.2 Biobase 2.60.0
BiocGenerics 0.46.0 BiocManager 1.30.20
BiocParallel 1.34.1 BiocVersion 3.17.1
biomformat 1.28.0 Biostrings 2.68.0
bit 4.0.5 bit64 4.0.5
bitops 1.0-7 blob 1.2.4
BLR 1.6 bold 1.3.0
bootstrap 2019.6 bpca 1.3-4
BradleyTerry2 1.1-2 brew 1.0-8
brglm 0.7.2 brglm2 0.9
bridgesampling 1.1-2 brio 1.1.3
brms 2.19.0 Brobdingnag 1.2-9
broom 1.0.4 bslib 0.4.2
BsMD 2020.4.30 ca 0.71.1
cachem 1.0.8 calibrator 1.2-8
callr 3.7.3 car 3.1-2
carData 3.0-5 caret 6.0-94
caTools 1.18.2 CellNOptR 1.46.0
cellranger 1.1.0 checkmate 2.2.0
chk 0.8.1 chron 2.3-61
CircStats 0.2-6 classInt 0.4-9
cli 3.6.1 clipr 0.8.0
clock 0.6.1 clusterGeneration 1.3.7
CNORode 1.42.0 coda 0.19-4
coin 1.4-2 collapse 1.9.5
colorspace 2.1-0 colourpicker 1.2.0
combinat 0.0-8 commonmark 1.9.0
conditionz 0.1.0 2.0.0
conflicted 1.2.0 contfrac 1.1-12
coro 1.0.3 corpcor 1.6.10
corrgram 1.14 corrplot 0.92
cpp11 0.4.3 crayon 1.5.2
credentials 1.3.2 crosstalk 1.2.0
crul 1.3 ctv 0.9-4
cubature curl 5.0.0
CVST 0.2-3 d3Network
DAAG 1.25.4 data.table 1.14.8
DataExplorer 0.8.2 datapasta 3.1.0
DBI 1.1.3 dbplyr 2.3.2
deldir 1.0-6 dendextend 1.17.1
DEoptimR 1.0-13 Deriv 4.1.3
desc 1.4.2 deSolve 1.35
devtools 2.4.5 dfidx 0.0-5
dfoptim 2020.10-1 diagram 1.6.5
DiagrammeR 1.0.9 dials 1.2.0
DiceDesign 1.9 dichromat 2.0-0.1
diffobj 0.3.5 digest 0.6.31
dimRed 0.2.6 diptest 0.76-0
discretization 1.0-1.1 distributional 0.3.2
doBy 4.6.16 doc2vec 0.2.0
DoE.base 1.2-2 doMC 1.3.8
doParallel 1.0.17 dotCall64 1.0-2
downlit 0.4.2 downloader 0.4
dplyr 1.1.2 dqrng 0.3.0
DRR 0.0.4 DT 0.27
dtplyr 1.3.1 dygraphs
dynamicTreeCut 1.63-1 e1071 1.7-13
EbayesThresh 1.4-12 EBImage 4.42.0
effects 4.2-2 ellipse 0.4.5
ellipsis 0.3.2 elliptic 1.4-0
emulator 1.2-21 enrichwith 0.3.1
equivalence 0.7.2 estimability 1.4.1
ETLUtils 1.5 evaluate 0.21
expint 0.1-8 expm 0.999-7
extraDistr 1.9.1 extrafont 0.19
extrafontdb 1.0 fansi 1.0.4
farver 2.1.1 fastICA 1.2-3
fastmap 1.1.1 fastmatch 1.1-3
fda 6.0.5 fdrtool 1.2.17
fds 1.8 fdth 1.2-6
ff 4.0.9 fftwtools 0.9-11
fields 14.1 filehash 2.4-5
filelock 1.0.2 flashClust 1.01-2
flexmix 2.3-19 FNN
fontawesome 0.5.1 forcats 1.0.0
foreach 1.5.2 forecast 8.21
formatR 1.14 Formula 1.2-5
fpc 2.2-10 fracdiff 1.5-2
fs 1.6.2 functional 0.6
furrr 0.3.1 futile.logger 1.4.3
futile.options 1.0.1 future 1.32.0
future.apply 1.10.0 gam 1.22-2
gamlss 5.4-12 6.0-2
gamlss.dist 6.0-5 gargle 1.4.0
gclus 1.3.2 gdata 2.19.0
geepack 1.3.9 genalg 0.2.1
generics 0.1.3 genetics
GenomeInfoDb 1.36.0 GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.10
GenomicRanges 1.52.0 GEOquery 2.68.0
geosphere 1.5-18 gert 1.9.2
ggalt 0.4.0 ggdendro 0.1.23
ggforce 0.4.1 ggformula 0.10.4
ggfun 0.0.9 ggmap 3.0.2
ggplot2 3.4.2 ggplotify 0.1.0
ggrepel 0.9.3 ggridges 0.5.4
ggstance 0.3.6 ggtree 3.8.0
ggvis 0.4.8 gh 1.4.0
git2r 0.32.0 gitcreds 0.1.2
glassoFast 1.0 gld 2.6.6
glmnet 4.1-7 globals 0.16.2
glue 1.6.2 gmm 1.7
gmodels gmp 0.7-1
GO.db 3.17.0 goftest 1.2-3
googledrive 2.1.0 googlesheets4 1.1.0
googleVis 0.7.1 gower 1.0.1
GPArotation 2023.3-1 GPfit 1.0-8
gplots 3.1.3 gradethis
graph 1.78.0 gridBase 0.4-7
gridExtra 2.3 gridGraphics 0.5-1
gridSVG 1.7-5 grImport 0.9-7
grImport2 0.2-0 gsubfn 0.7
gt 0.9.0 gtable 0.3.3
gtools 3.9.4 HaploSim
hardhat 1.3.0 haven 2.5.2
hdrcde 3.4 hexbin 1.28.3
hflights 0.1 HH 3.1-49
highlight 0.5.1 highr 0.10
Hmisc 5.1-0 hms 1.1.3
htmlTable 2.4.1 htmltools 0.5.5
htmlwidgets 1.6.2 httpcode 0.3.0
httpuv 1.6.10 httr 1.4.6
httr2 0.2.3 HydroMe 2.0-1
HyperbolicDist 0.6-4 hypergeo 1.2-13
ICC 2.4.0 Icens 1.72.0
ids 1.0.1 igraph 1.4.2
igraphdata 1.0.1 illuminaio 0.42.0
impute 1.74.1 ineq 0.2-13
infer 1.0.4 influenceR
ini 0.3.1 inline 0.3.19
insight 0.19.1 interp 1.1-4
intervals 0.15.3 inum 1.0-5
ipred 0.9-14 IRanges 2.34.0
irlba Iso 0.0-18.1
isoband 0.2.7 iterators 1.0.14
itertools 0.1-3 janitor 2.2.0
jpeg 0.1-10 jquerylib 0.1.4
jsonlite 1.8.4 juicyjuice 0.1.0
KEGGREST 1.40.0 kernelFactory 0.3.0
kernlab 0.9-32 klaR 1.7-2
knitr 1.42 ks 1.14.0
labeling 0.4.2 labelled 2.11.0
LaF 0.8.4 Lahman 11.0-0
lambda.r 1.2.4 lars 1.3
later 1.3.1 latticeExtra 0.6-30
lava lavaan 0.6-15
lavaan.survey lazyeval 0.2.2
lcda 0.3.1 leaflet 2.1.2
leaflet.providers 1.9.0 leaps 3.1
LearnBayes 2.15.1 learnr
lgr 0.4.4 lhs 1.1.6
libcoin 1.0-9 lifecycle 1.0.3
LIM 1.4.7 limma 3.56.1
limSolve 1.5.6 lisrelToR 0.1.5
listenv 0.9.0 lme4 1.1-33
lmom 2.9 lmtest 0.9-40
locfit 1.5-9.7 lokern 1.1-10
loo 2.6.0 lpSolve 5.6.18
lubridate 1.9.2 luz 0.4.0
magic 1.6-1 magrittr 2.0.3
manipulateWidget 0.11.1 mapproj 1.2.11
maps 3.4.1 maptools 1.1-6
markdown 1.6 MassSpecWavelet 1.66.0
Matching 4.10-8 MatchIt 4.5.3
mathjaxr 1.6-0 matrixcalc 1.0-6
MatrixModels 0.5-1 matrixStats 0.63.0
maxLik 1.5-2 mboost 2.9-7
mclust 6.0.0 mcmc 0.9-7
MCMCglmm 2.34 MEIGOR 1.33.0
memoise 2.0.1 MEMSS 0.9-3
Metrics 0.1.4 mi 1.1
mice 3.15.0 microbenchmark 1.4.10
mime 0.12 miniUI
minpack.lm 1.2-3 minqa 1.2.5
misc3d 0.9-1 miscTools 0.6-28
mitools 2.4 mixOmics 6.24.0
mlbench 2.1-3.1 mlmRev 1.0-8
mlogit 1.1-1 mlr3 0.16.0
mlr3measures 0.5.0 mlr3misc 0.11.0
mnormt 2.1.1 modeldata 1.1.0
modelenv 0.1.1 ModelMetrics
modelr 0.1.11 modeltime 1.2.6
modeltools 0.2-23 moments 0.14.1
mondate 0.10.02 mosaic
mosaicCore mosaicData 0.20.3
mratios 1.4.2 multcomp 1.4-23
multicool 0.1-12 multtest 2.56.0
munsell 0.5.0 mvMORPH 1.1.7
mvtnorm 1.1-3 natserv 1.0.0
network 1.18.1 networkD3 0.4
NISTnls 0.9-13 nleqslv 3.3.4
nloptr 2.0.3 nls2 0.3-3
nlstools 2.0-0 nnls 1.4
nortest 1.0-4 np 0.60-17
numbers 0.8-5 numDeriv 2016.8-1.1
odbc 1.3.4 openssl 2.0.6
openxlsx optextras 2019-12.4
optimParallel 1.0-2 ordinal 2022.11-16
padr 0.6.2 PairedData 1.1.1
palmerpenguins 0.1.1 paradox 0.11.1
parallelly 1.35.0 parsnip 1.1.0
partitions 1.10-7 party 1.3-13
partykit 1.2-20 pastecs 1.3.21
patchwork 1.1.2 pbapply 1.7-0
pbivnorm 0.6.0 pbkrtest 0.5.2
pbmcapply 1.5.1 PBSmapping 2.73.2
pcaMethods 1.92.0 pcaPP 2.0-3
pedigree 1.4.2 PerformanceAnalytics 2.0.4
permute 0.9-7 phangorn 2.11.1
phyloseq 1.44.0 phytools 1.5-1
pillar 1.9.0 pins 1.1.0
pixmap 0.4-12 pkgbuild 1.4.0
pkgconfig 2.0.3 pkgdown 2.0.7
pkgload 1.3.2 plm 2.6-3
plogr 0.2.0 plot3D 1.4
plotly 4.10.1 plotrix 3.8-2
pls 2.8-1 plyr 1.8.8
png 0.1-8 poLCA
polspline 1.1.22 polyclip 1.10-4
polycor 0.8-1 polynom 1.4-1
posterior 1.4.1 prabclus 2.3-2
pracma 2.4.2 praise 1.0.0
preprocessCore 1.62.1 prettyunits 1.1.1
princurve 2.1.6 pROC 1.18.0
processx 3.8.1 prodlim 2023.03.31
profileModel 0.6.1 profvis 0.3.8
progress 1.2.2 progressr 0.13.0
proj4 1.0-12 promises
prophet 1.0 proto 1.0.0
proxy 0.4-27 PRROC 1.3.1
ps 1.7.5 pscl 1.5.5
psy 1.2 psych 2.3.3
purrr 1.0.1 qap 0.1-2
qtl 1.60 quadprog 1.5-8
Quandl 2.11.0 quantmod 0.4.22
quantreg 5.95 questionr 0.7.8
qvalue 2.32.0 qvcalc 1.0.2
R.cache 0.16.0 R.devices 2.17.1
R.filesets 2.15.0 R.huge 0.9.0
R.matlab 3.7.0 R.methodsS3 1.8.2
R.oo 1.25.0 R.rsp 0.45.0
R.utils 2.12.2 R2HTML 2.3.3
R2OpenBUGS 3.2-3.2.1 R2WinBUGS 2.1-21
R6 2.5.1 ragg 1.2.5
rainbow 3.7 randomForest 4.7-1.1
rappdirs 0.3.3 rARPACK 0.11-0
raster 3.6-20 ratelimitr 0.4.1
rbenchmark 1.0.0 RBGL 1.76.0
rbibutils 2.2.13 Rcgmin 2022-4.30
rcmdcheck 1.4.0 RColorBrewer 1.1-3
Rcpp 1.0.10 RcppAnnoy 0.0.20
RcppArmadillo RcppEigen
RcppParallel 5.1.7 RcppProgress 0.4.2
RcppRoll 0.3.0 Rcsdp
RCurl 1.98-1.12 Rdpack 2.4
reactable 0.4.4 reactR 0.4.4
readr 2.1.4 readstata13 0.10.1
readxl 1.4.2 recipes 1.0.6
registry 0.5-1 regress 1.3-21
relimp 1.0-5 rematch 1.0.1
rematch2 2.1.2 remotes 2.4.2
rentrez 1.2.3 renv 0.17.3
reprex 2.0.2 reshape 0.8.9
reshape2 1.4.4 rex 1.2.1
rgl 1.1.3 RgoogleMaps
RGraphics 3.0-2 Rgraphviz 2.44.0
rhdf5 2.44.0 rhdf5filters 1.12.1
Rhdf5lib 1.22.0 riingo 0.3.1
ritis 1.0.0 rJava 1.0-6
RJDBC 0.2-10 rjson 0.2.21
RJSONIO 1.3-1.8 rlang 1.1.1
rlecuyer 0.3-7 rmarkdown 2.21
rmeta 3.0 Rmpfr 0.9-2
rms 6.7-0 RMySQL 0.10.25
rncl 0.8.7 robustbase 0.95-1
ROCR 1.0-11 Rook 1.2
rotl 3.0.14 roxygen2 7.2.3
RPostgreSQL 0.7-5 rprojroot 2.0.3
rredlist 0.7.1 rsample 1.1.1
Rsolnp 1.16 RSpectra 0.16-1
RSQLite 2.3.1 rstan 2.21.8
rstantools 2.3.1 rstudioapi 0.14
Rttf2pt1 1.3.12 RUnit 0.4.32
rversions 2.1.2 rvest 1.0.3
Rvmmin 2018-4.17.1 s2 1.1.3
S4Vectors 0.38.1 sandwich 3.0-2
sass 0.4.6 scales 1.2.1
scatterplot3d 0.3-44 ScottKnott 1.3-0
sealasso 0.1-3 segmented 1.6-4
selectr 0.4-2 sem 3.1-15
SemiPar 1.0-4.2 semTools 0.5-6
seqinr 4.2-30 seriation 1.4.2
sessioninfo 1.2.2 setRNG 2022.4-1
sets 1.0-24 sf 1.0-12
sfsmisc 1.1-15 shape 1.4.6
shapefiles 0.7.2 shiny 1.7.4
shiny.semantic 0.4.3 shinyjs 2.1.0
shinystan 2.6.0 shinythemes 1.2.0
SimComp 3.3 simsem 0.5-16
sitmo 2.0.2 slam 0.1-50
slider 0.3.0 sn 2.1.1
sna 2.7-1 snakecase 0.11.0
snow 0.4-4 snowfall 1.84-6.2
solrium 1.2.0 sourcetools 0.1.7-1
sp 1.6-0 spam 2.9-1
SparseM 1.81 SpatialExtremes 2.1-0
spatstat 3.0-5 3.0-1
spatstat.explore 3.1-0 spatstat.geom 3.1-0
spatstat.linnet 3.1-0 spatstat.model 3.2-3
spatstat.random 3.1-4 spatstat.sparse 3.0-1
spatstat.utils 3.0-2 spData 2.2.2
spdep 1.2-8 SQUAREM 2021.1
ssgraph 1.15 stabs 0.6-4
StanHeaders 2.21.0-7 statmod 1.5.0
statnet.common 4.8.0 stringi 1.7.12
stringr 1.5.0 strucchange 1.5-3
styler 1.9.1 subplex 1.8
superml 0.5.6 SuppDists 1.1-9.7
survcomp 1.50.0 survey 4.2-1
survivalROC survPresmooth 1.1-11
svUnit 1.0.6 sys 3.4.1
systemfonts 1.0.4 tables 0.9.17
tabnet 0.3.0 taxize 0.9.100
tensor 1.5 tensorA 0.36.2
terra 1.7-29 testit 0.13
testthat 3.1.8 textplot 0.2.2
textshaping 0.3.6 1.1-2
threejs 0.3.3 tibble 3.2.1
tidymodels 1.1.0 tidyquant 1.0.7
tidyr 1.3.0 tidyselect 1.2.0
tidytree 0.4.2 tidyverse 2.0.0
tiff 0.1-11 timechange 0.2.0
timeDate 4022.108 timeSeries 4021.105
timetk 2.8.3 tinytex 0.45
tis 1.39 tkrplot 0.0-27
tmvtnorm 1.5 topicmodels.etm 0.1.0
torch 0.10.0 torchaudio
torchdatasets 0.3.0 torchvision 0.5.1
treeio 1.24.0 triebeard 0.4.1
trimcluster 0.1-5 tripack 1.3-9.1
truncnorm 1.0-9 truncreg 0.2-5
tseries 0.10-54 tsfeatures 1.1
TSP 1.2-4 TTR 0.24.3
tune 1.1.1 tweenr 2.0.2
tzdb 0.3.0 ucminf 1.1-4.1
udpipe 0.8.11 units 0.8-2
urca 1.3-3 urlchecker 1.0.1
urltools 1.7.3 usethis 2.1.6
utf8 1.2.3 uuid 1.1-0
uwot 0.1.14 V8 4.3.0
vcd 1.4-11 vctrs 0.6.2
vegan 2.6-4 VGAM 1.1-8
VGAMdata 1.1-8 viridis 0.6.3
viridisLite 0.4.2 visNetwork 2.1.2
vroom 1.6.3 waldo 0.5.1
warp 0.2.0 waveslim 1.8.4
wavethresh 4.7.2 webshot 0.5.4
whisker 0.4.1 WikidataQueryServiceR 1.0.0
WikidataR 2.3.3 WikipediR 1.5.0
wikitaxa 0.4.0 withr 2.5.0
wk 0.7.3 word2vec 0.3.4
workflows 1.1.3 workflowsets 1.0.1
worrms 0.4.2 xfun 0.39
xgboost XLConnect 1.0.7
xlsx 0.6.5 xlsxjars 0.6.1
XML 3.99-0.14 xml2 1.3.4
xopen 1.0.0 xtable 1.8-4
xts 0.13.1 XVector 0.40.0
yaml 2.3.7 yardstick 1.2.0
yulab.utils 0.0.6 zeallot 0.1.0
zip 2.3.0 zlibbioc 1.46.0
zoo 1.8-12